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Dawg Squad of Georgia
All dogs are fully vetted. This includes: spay/ neuter, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
Please note this is not all the dos we have available. Please come see us at Petsmart in Augusta to see meet your potential new family member!

Sweet and happy Merry found herself at Walton County Animal Control and we were able to pull her just in time this past December. She was heartworm positive and after two months in her foster home for that treatment she was ready for the rest of her vetting. That’s when we got a real surprise! Our wonderful vet went in to do her spay surgery and found she had a diaphragmatic hernia and many things that did not belong up there - like her intestines, spleen and liver - were actually up in her diaphragm. Apparently, she was born that way, so she did not show any of the symptoms that would lead to concern. Everything was put where it should be in a 2 1/2 hour surgery. Another month at her foster home allowed all her internal stitches to heal, and now she’s ready to find her permanent home! She is so very sweet and loving, and is house trained. And she’s just the perfect size! About 40 pounds. She’s good with other dogs and we believe she would love kids. But we don’t know how she would be with cats. Do you have room for this sweet miracle girl in your life?
Hi my name is Frankie!
I came from a shelter where the nice girls with the DAWG Squad pulled me from because I was on the euthanasia list. I’m a big goofball and love treats and I’m nothing but a big baby....but I’m a whole lotta dog! I need to be tested with other dogs to make sure we can be buddies. I just want to be someone’s lap dog!
I’m a little over a year old now so I’m still learning and can easily be persuaded to do anything (like sit still for these pics) with a treat!
Sasha was pulled from Baldwin County when the shelter was full and needed help. She loves kids and is the most chill dog you will ever meet! She prefers to have a cat free home but doesn’t mind the company of another dog! She wants to be an inside dog and needs a fenced in yard but not chain link Cos she’s a Houdini and will disappear over the fence!
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